Friday, October 8, 2010

Indian Summer / Home repairs / Sister's visit / Health / And a title that almost makes the posting superfluous...

For the most part, yesterday was a good day. It was warm and sunny, so I decided to take on a home repair project I had been contemplating. That went fairly smoothly, although I am a bit sore this morning. It is gratifying to see something you've been dreading finished. And this particular project was a link that will allow me to do other things.
My sister came by, yesterday, to "check" on me. Both of my sisters have been rather attentive since my experience at the beginning of August. We sat at the bar and talked about old times and our compulsive habits (my words, not hers). We both agreed that it drives us crazy when other people don't seem to try - when they don't care about details. We like order!
Yes, a nice day - until later in the evening. I experienced some rather strong and odd symptoms. They came on suddenly and, as I was driving on a busy city street, it was somewhat alarming. My arms began to tingle, my chest got tight and I was having a hard time breathing. I kept saying to myself "Don't panic. Just make it home, take your evening meds and get into bed." Panic is a killer, yet it's difficult not to panic when you think you might be on the brink.
Things calmed down after I made it home. But, lately, my blood pressure has been running the gamut from strangely high and to disturbingly low. Before my current meds, it used to be, consistently, within a normal range. I'm not sure what's going on there. I'm used to the effects of HBP, as I've had that my entire adult life, but the really low pressure unnerves me.
My pressure is a little high right now (I just checked it) but I'm feeling ok, so far this morning. Here's to a good day. I'm just happy to be here!

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