Tuesday, October 26, 2010

People used to love me.

1:24 am
June 27, 1991

Dearest Jim,
I'm writing you simply because I have a few things to tell you and I can't find the words to tell you face to face. I hope you don't mind, but in any case - here goes!
Jim - lately all I've been able to think about is "us". I find myself wanting to be with you all the time and I want to share all that goes on during my day with you. But, I also find myself wondering - do you have these same feelings and if you don't now could you in the near future - or am I taking a big chance in getting hurt (or hurting you)? Am I pushing you too hard? Should I back off and let you come to me? Or am I your type at all?
I really hate having to ask these questions but I really do have to know before i get in too deep. Please understand! I'm only trying to consider both of our feelings. I mean, if we can't be any more than friends - I need to know.
I hope we can talk soon - maybe after you're feeling better.
I miss you.


PS Let me know when we can get together again - ok?

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this to you.....Funny how things tend to repeat themselves.
