Sunday, October 31, 2010


I want to try to express what's going through my mind right now. I've been unemployed for over a month and tomorrow will be my first day back to work. I had some serious health issues, but I'm fairly stable, at the moment. I was laid off for reasons I STILL don't understand. My boss said his lawyer advised him to lay me off, because I was an insurance risk. But, then he made it sound as if he was looking out for me by allowing me time to convalesce. What he didn't seem to get was that I was totally stressed out because I had no money coming in. All of my friends said I should get a lawyer, but my boss kept reassuring me that I could come back and that nothing would change.
Of the potential problems I'm concerned about, one is a guy who worked under me. Having had a business of his own, he was dying to be in charge. He's a real alpha male type, gung ho and overflowing with testosterone. I'm sure he used this opportunity to let the boss know that I was unnecessary. You know, in subtle ways. The thing is, he has only been in this business for a year. I've been doing this for 18 years and I taught him what he knows. He'll fall all over himself tomorrow trying to seem as if he is glad to see me. I wish I could just fire him...
I'm going to have to play this cool. I'm going to try to be calm, go with the flow and not over react. At the same time, I know there's going to be tons of things I'll have to straighten out. I have to reassert myself and I need to know that my boss has my back, and not just in a patronizing way. I say this because, over the years, I've seen him in action, in other situations. I know how he deals with these kinds of things.
Being out of work has allowed me some distance from my situation and I've begun to consider that maybe it's time I got out of the golf business.
Oh well, whatever happens tomorrow, happens.

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