Monday, October 4, 2010

So on and so forth, as it were.

You know the chorus of Cheap Trick's "I Want You to Want Me": "Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I," etc. I once knew a guy who sang, "Green light, green light, green light..." He thought those were the words. About 15 years ago, I found out that that was called a mondegreen. A mondegreen is a misheard song lyric.

I used to have an irrational fear of, and hatred for, snakes. I no longer feel that way, in large part because of my friend Chuck. I realize now that snakes are just doing their thing. Their snaky thing.

Everyone knows that Dagwood's last name is Bumstead, but it hit me today that his wife's name is Blondie Bumstead. I never thought of it before.

I don't care about sex or food AND I am obsessed with both of them. Explain that!

People seem to be more connected than ever, yet more distant emotionally. They use the new technology like a barricade. We'll talk, but you stay over there...

It will be a sad day when we no longer have books.

I think the government is messing with time. Has anyone else noticed this?

Never let a lizard count your teeth.

Never give a ride to a giant albino, with a hook for a hand, holding up a sign saying "ANYWHERE."

I heard a story on the radio today that said carrot growers are trying to get kids to eat baby carrots by creating ads that make them seem RADICAL and EXTREME!!!
Nacho mama's carrots!

Have you ever tried to construct a mental image (or physical, for that matter) of Molly from "Devil With the Blue Dress On?"
"Wearing her wig-hat and shades to match / she's got high heel shoes and an alligator hat / wearing her pearls and her diamond rings / she's got bracelets on her fingers now and everything..."
Shades that match her "wig-hat?" An alligator hat? Bracelets on her fingers? That's got to be one crazy looking chick. (And I like 'em like that!)

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