Friday, October 22, 2010


Ever since I've been on my current medications, I've been having these crazy, involved, vivid dreams - long rambling things with lots of characters. Last night, in one of these dreams, I was sitting at a table with my friend Chuck and an older black couple. They were having us to dinner. The lady pulled a plate of food from the fridge and passed it to her husband, who made a comment about how he liked his food cold. He then proceeded to put black pepper all over his meal. She said "(I can't remember the husband's name) sure loves black pepper!" Then the woman, served me up a BIG plate of pork chops, rice and gravy and pinto beans. I glanced over at Chuck. He had the same thing, even though he's a vegetarian in real life. I remember that, for some reason, I had 2 forks. Someone made a comment and I said, "Yeah, I don't know how I ended up with 2 forks..."
As we were about to eat, the old woman looked at me knowingly and said "I give you about 3 months." I got the implication. She meant I had 3 months left. To live.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe 3 months if you keep eating pork chops :)
    Take care of yourself Jimmi - avoid death!
