Sunday, October 3, 2010


Ok, it's official. I closed the windows and turned on the heat for the first time. It's Fall.
I hate Fall. It feels like nothing less than the demise of Summer (I love Summer). The realization of an impending Winter depresses me beyond words. Fall is dying. Winter is death.
While I've tried, in recent years, to "appreciate" the uniqueness of all 4 seasons, this year it's been especially hard to deal with Autumn because of my health, the fact that I just turned 50 and because I'm unemployed (I got laid off the day after my momentous birthday).
I have to figure out a way to mark this seasonal change by doing something positive. I have really gotten off track with my diet since I've been out of work. That's a good place to start. So, beginning tomorrow, I'm going to watch what I eat. I want to be thin by next Spring.
Aaahhhh, Spring... Spring = hope + rebirth.

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