Friday, October 22, 2010

Dream (late 80s, early 90s?)

I"m walking down the street. Everyone thinks it's snowing, but I know it's just someone stuccoing a house. As I pass, the guy, who turns out to be my brother-in-law, sprays my face white.
I go inside a mobile home that's packed with people. I end up in a hallway near the back bedroom. A guy comes up to me and talks. He affectionately puts his head on my shoulder. I go into the back bedroom with him and some other guys. Apparently, they are gay. I'm conscious of my face being painted. Another guy tries to make a move on me, but I don't like him. I go to the bathroom and looking in the mirror, I see that I look like Data, from Star Trek, TNG. I return to the bedroom and everyone's dancing. I dance with an older man who tries to steal my wallet. I catch him and bang his head against a dresser, then pick my wallet up, from the floor, where he dropped it. My wallet has $17.00 in it. The man who tried to steal it leaves the room, but then he yells at me through a window above the door.
I get ready to leave. One of the guys dancing says he would like me to do some video taping with them next week. I say sure.
Next, my sister and brother-in-law are doing some elaborate gardening in their yard. As she waters with a hose, she washes some large bean seeds out of the ground. I show them to my brother-in-law and he picks them up and puts them in a jar. Then, some dogs walk through their garden. They are small, cool dogs.
A lot of people are walking through my yard. Someone is working on a car, or something. One guy has short blonde hair, with very long pieces hanging down.
I have sex with a blonde girl. I knew her in the dream, but now I can't place her. We get out of bed and drive home, in 2 cars. I drive naked.
I go to someone's house and they know Jap and Ricky. They talk about music, saying I should come jam sometime. They live so far down a dirt road that they have to use generators for energy.
I try to rebuild a piece of furniture.
My ex comes over. I tell her that she doesn't know how excited I get when I see her. She says she does know, that she can see it in my eyes. She stays for a while.
I wake up with a song on my lips: "We can escape together from war and fear and ignorance..." It's sung like a black gospel choir.

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