Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's 4:55 am and I'm writing emails and blogging.

My dog woke me up early (per usual), so I decided to check my emails.
(It started raining. Boom! Just like that.)
I got a rather odd, cryptic message from my friend Jan, whom I haven't seen in nearly 20 years. She said she was undercover, listening to Joy Division, and then went on about not owning a car. Then she wrote: HIT PARADE....
I think she may have had a cocktail.
It seems rather apropos to the weird mood I'm in, that I got an email from her. Just yesterday, I sent a letter to Houston, Texas, using a 20 year old address, to Jan's doppelganger, and one of my many exes, Bennie. I don't have much hope of him receiving it. Jan has lost contact with him, over the years, but the last she heard, he was HIV positive. This makes me sad.
As I mentioned in the last post, I've been cleaning. And, going through all of my junk, I've found many rare and valuable things: Pictures, concert tickets, my baby bracelet (50 years old) and letters. Letters from people long gone from my life. And yet, not.
I guess I should try to go back to sleep. Boy, that rain was right on cue.

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