Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Melancholia / Bittersweet.

I've always been somewhat Melancholic. It's something I can't help. It's ingrained. (The age old question: Is it genetic or am I a product of my environment? You tell me.) But, I like to think of myself as being a Positive Melancholic.
As a PM, the Bittersweet experience affects me deeply. It rips me into AND soothes me. Certain songs, chord progressions ("All the Young Dudes," "What is a Youth?," from Franco Zeffirelli's "Romeo and Juliet." Wait, young/youth - is this significant?), keys ("D minor, the saddest of all keys..."). Movies, such as "My Life as a Dog." There's something exceedingly human about that emotion. The notion of smiling through your tears. It's heartbreaking and life affirming at the same time.
I think that great art comes from people's attempts to express Bittersweet-ness.
I'm feeling it tonight. I'll keep you posted if any great art results...

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