Friday, May 20, 2011

"...and I feel fine."

Skeeter Davis asked, "Don't they know it's the end of the world?"
Both of my sisters are religimous (both are married to preachers) and they don't seem to be worried. They're making mundane plans for the weekend. Although, my younger sister (whose birthday is today) is selling her cemetery plots tomorrow. Does that mean anything?
It's so strange, she used to think I was crazy when I said I wanted to be cremated. Almost like it was blasphemous. Now, she's planning on getting cremated - so it's ok. She was like that when I buzzed my hair in the 80s. She came over and had a talk with me. What was I doing? Did I want people to think I was weird? Someone asked her if I was sick. Or maybe I had just got out of prison. This from the woman who thought my long hair was a disgrace. The funny thing was that, within a couple of years, all of her sons - and their sons - had buzzed hair. Hey, I'm a trend setter.
My next door neighbors are getting married in their yard tomorrow. I guess they're not concerned about the end of the world. Talk to them in a few years and see how they feel.
I asked my dog, Scooter, how he was doing. He had a pretty good day today, as far as I'm concerned. He got to go outside for several hours while I mowed, he got fresh water and leftover spaghetti for dinner (he LOVES spaghetti), he had a bath (which makes him feel frisky) and got to sniff the cat's butt on the doorstep. What a life!
I mentioned, in an earlier post, that I received a letter from a ghost the other day. I wrote the ghost back. I gave the ghost my email address. I'm waiting on a reply.
I fertilized my tomatoes, watermelons and squash today. I hope it will be beneficial and not, you know, burn them up. I don't know what kind of fertilizer it was. It looked like a mixture with ammonium nitrate in it. Someone told me that tomato plants will grow well with nitrogen, but the fruit won't amount to anything. We'll see.
I'm getting a new mattress tomorrow. Well, it's not exactly new. My sister told me the history of it and it was such a saga that I drifted off somewhere in the middle. When I came back around, she was still saying things like, "And then it went to so-and-so, she used it for a while, until she moved, then the whatch-a-ma-call-ems got it, and they used it until they got a new one, and - finally - it came back to me." Still, it's got to be better than the one I'm currently sleeping on.
The story of my life.

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