Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just checking in.

How have I been feeling? I've been up and down. I feel ok today.
I have 2 doctor's appointments this week - one in Chapel Hill. The Chapel Hill appointment is Thursday morning, at 8:30. That means I'll have to get up at about 4:30.
I just re-watched "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss." That's a great little movie. It's off-beat, funny, and sweet - and very nicely crafted. The soundtrack is great, too. I now have Petula Clark's "This is My Song" stuck in my head. Not a bad thing. "This is My Song" was written by Charlie Chaplin, of all people. Charlie was one of those genius guys that could do everything well.
I'm reading "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire. For those who don't know, it's the story of the Wicked Witch of the West. Apparently, we didn't get the full story from Baum.
I keep filling out these online surveys from Food Lion. You have a chance to win $2000. I sure could use it.
We had a teasing rain this morning. It was hardly enough to wet the ground. My little garden could use a good soaking.
I mailed a note, yesterday, to the ghost who wrote me a couple of weeks ago.
I saw a piece on Pablo Picasso this morning on CBS's "Sunday Morning." It focused on one of his mistresses. All I could think about was the Modern Lovers song: "Some people try to pick up girls and get called an asshole / This never happened to Pablo Picasso / He could walk down your street and girls could not resist his stare..." So on and so forth.
Thinking about Pablo now has me thinking about Gertrude and Annie.
I have to go fill my medicine boxes for the week. I also need to clean out my car. My brother-in-law is taking it to HIS brother-in-law in the morning to have the AC serviced. The AC hasn't worked since the wreck. Of course, I haven't needed it until now. My sister is worried about me driving to Chapel Hill in this hot weather.
My family has been a huge help to me during this trying period of my life. I owe them a lot.

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