Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm not sure what this means, if anything.

I just finished watching the Judds on OWN. This was the final show of the series. I don't know what it is, but I find them compelling. Of course their final song of the tour was "Love Can Build a Bridge." That song always makes me cry.
I flipped to PBS just as "Eastenders" was coming on. I used to watch that every week. I started playing the piano bit from the theme song on Scooter, as he lay across my lap. Then it hit me: I used to do that every Sunday night with my beloved dog Pooky. She would lay straight across my lap and I would play the "Eastenders" theme song on her, as if she were a piano. What's really weird is Scooter usually curls up on my lap. Tonight, he was a perfect piano. When I realized what I was doing, I felt surprised - and sad.
Ok, I know - I'm weird. I'm a weird, sad, confused, lonely man. Thank goodness for Scooter. (He's as weird as I am, in his doggy way.)

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