Friday, May 6, 2011

Books - and the things you find in them.

I've read almost everything in my house (other than rather dry classics by Jane Austen and George Eliot and "The Brothers Karamozov," in which I can't seem to get a foothold) and have begun re-reading books. I am currently re-reading Frank Yerby's "An Odor of Sanctity." I love that book. Frank was an interesting guy.
I went to the Goodwill store, today, for the sole purpose of picking up some new reading material. The pickings were rather slim, but I did find a couple of Toni Morrisons (have I already read "Sula?") and Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses." I can't believe that book was published in 1988. Tempus is fugiting.
As I've written about in previous posts, I love finding notes and other "clues" in used books, and I lucked up with Morrison's "A Mercy." On the opening page, there was an inscription that read, "Good reading, Leah. Critique it for me, will you? Love, Grandma Janet and Grandpa Alden." Then, I noticed a scrap of paper in the middle of the book. It said:

Jan.26, 2009
Dear Leah,
Trust you're basking in warm sun while of course either creating a poem or piece of art. Yes?
We're freezing. It's like Vermont.
Talked with Rachel last Friday and she seems good, is touching base with a therapist, a woman who knew Kristen and was a member of U.U. Church they went to. Maddie is skiing once a week with school and loving it.
Amanda and Megan are in Brewster being solitary and writing and I hope not freezing. Allie's at Bridgewater State with an apartment in Middleboro.
Sorry this is late. I didn't finish it. Been housebound for a week with a heavy respiratory problem, but on the mend.
Hope you saw some of the inauguration. The benediction by Rev. Lowery was outstanding.
Peace and love,
Grandma J.

I'm recycling Joanna's fine taste in wrap, knowing you'd appreciate it.


  1. Excellent blogging sir. I've got a hardback copy of Satanic Verses that my first ex-sister-in-law gave me for Christmas in 1989. I haven't gotten too far with it yet. I have picked up One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest again though, and I intend to see it through this time.

  2. Great book, great movie. You should also check out "Sometimes A Great Notion" and "Demon Box."
