Monday, May 30, 2011

Things I Find Dept.

I found this letter on the floor, in our local mall, when I was working there, back in 1991. I knew I'd saved it and I was searching for it, recently. I found it today, quite accidentally, while getting rid of some clutter. This is a perfect example of why I pick up scraps of paper when I spot them.
Know that this letter began on the back side of a sheet of notebook paper - holes to the right.

"From: Weezee To: Helen From: Weezee To: Helen

Dear Helen

How have you ben doing nothing I gus. So now I am going to get to the point.
So I hreed that you have a boyfriend tell me that is not turew if that is turew I just want to say you go girl you kn-ow it.
Now I am going to tell you about Leelee. Leel-ee is doing good he spe-ans a lot of time with me and Baybay. Today Tuesday Leelee talted us how to play football.
Pam is steel the same she is still being fast in the tell. So now its time to talk about somebody else.
Now Mirt is still doing what she do best that is run her mounth like a mortrocicle.
D.J. is stell talking really fast. Do you know that seanses D.J. staying with Mirt he looks real good and I mean really, really, really good.
Now Baby still is fast like Pam. It simes like Baby and can make a good team.
Now it is time for the best Weezee the one and only. Your best girl in the world. I am going to tell you about me Weezee. I am still craze, and still pretty like always.
You already know about Mukey. So now my story is ending.


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