Friday, May 13, 2011

A mish-mash, hodge-podge, a melange, if you will...

I seem to encounter incompetence everywhere I go, these days. Whether it's a new, evolving (de-volving?) condition plaguing mankind or I've just become more sensitive to an existing malady, whether I'm less patient or I'm imagining it - I can't say.

The following, while somewhat interesting, is from a chain letter/spam email I received (from a friend, no less):
July 2011 will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This only happens every 823 years.
Some interesting dates this year will include: 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11 and 11/11/11.
If you take the last 2 digits of the year you were born and add the age you will be this year, the answer - for everyone - will be 111.

As George Clinton would say, "Everything is on the one!"

My health? It's up and down. It changes from minute to minute.

It's raining - a nice cool, steady shower. Great for gardens. (My watermelons and squash have sprouted. My Roma tomato plants are looking good.)

I just finished "An Odor of Sanctity." I've probably read it 5 or 6 times, over the years. On page 357, Alaric Teudisson remarks, "...I sometimes think that theology is the tribute that nonsense pays to sense."

I found a nickle from the Bahamas the other day. On the flip side is a coat of arms. Last night, as I was doing a crossword puzzle, one of the clues was "Island nation with a marlin and flamingo on its coat of arms." I thought, "Hey!"

I just had a small thing. Like I said, up and down. Minute to minute.

I'm living outside of society, these days. I'm in a sort of limbo. (Those 2 sentences have conjured up 2 songs. Guess what they are, for 10 points.)

I'm having another thing. Gotta go.

I'm back, several hours later. I'm ok. I'm ok...

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