Saturday, May 14, 2011

In a dream, last night...

Gunter Grass said, "I know to tell a dream is to tell it badly."
Here goes:
I was in a huge department store with my ex-wife. Apparently we were still married. The store was very dark. There were no lights on. We became separated and I wandered around, not really looking for anything in particular. People kept coming up to me and asking if I were me. They said my name. Yes I am. They would then imply that I had ordered a large amount of propane, in oddly small, slim tanks and that I owed the store money. No, I didn't. It's a mistake of some sort. As I went through the store, more and more people would come up to me and suggest the same thing. I would say, no, no, and try to get away from them.
As I was walking away from a couple of these strangely annoying - and quite mistaken - sales people, someone sidled up to me, grabbed my arm and led me down a dark and quiet aisle. It was my ex-mother-in-law. She said she and her husband were going to help me get out of this situation. The section of the store she led me into was where they sold beds. We sat down on a bed and I noticed that my (ex) wife and her sisters were on an adjacent bed. We started talking about my alleged propane bill problem.
There was an odd 3D picture of my (ex) wife on the bed on which I sat. In it, she was a good bit younger. She had on a necklace and I could just barely make out that it had some writing on it. I tried to tilt the picture, as one might do with a 3D image, to better read the writing on her necklace. I couldn't make it out.
The next thing I know, I'm in a grocery store and I run into an old Sunday school teacher. She had her cart parked against another woman's cart and they are talking. As I walked by, she acknowledged me and asked if I wanted some Cool Whip. I told her sure, but that I was going to buy HER a tub of Cool Whip. (I really was, but I don't know why.) She looked at me as if there was something wrong with me and handed me the Cool Whip. I noticed that she also had a much larger tub of store brand dairy topping in her cart - which she kept.
Then I was on laying on a couch in a restaurant parking lot, somewhere. I was talking to someone who sat on the end of the couch. I saw a little red car, an older Acura coupe, still in good shape, pull into the parking lot. Then I got a call on my cell phone from the driver. It was my old friend Mike ("Big Mac Mikey B.") who died 20 years ago. We had worked in a restaurant together. It was as if he were still alive and just a little older than he had been when I knew him. Now, he was the manager of this establishment. He was talking about one of his employees, Kevin, that he sometimes had to pick up and give a ride to work. He said, you remember Kevin that we used to work with. I did. I couldn't believe that Kevin was still washing dishes. Mike said he sometimes wished he had an old hooptie to go around and pick up these employees with.
Then, a cat came up to me as I lay on the couch (in the parking lot...). I knew it as my old cat Butterbean, but it looked nothing like her. Butterbean was a tailless gray tabby. This cat was yellow and white and had a tail. As I was petting "Butterbean," she began to bite me - playfully at first, but soon, it was almost unbearable. She would bite down hard and not let go. I tried to get her off of my hand by attempting to pry her jaws open. She would hiss and snarl and bite down again. I would free myself and push her away, but she kept coming back.
Then I woke up.

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