Sunday, May 15, 2011

This and that. Nothing, really.

I spent this entire weekend without talking to anyone. Well, anyone I know. I spoke to some checkout people in stores. Hello. How are you? Thank you. I feel like I have to find something to do with myself. Something positive that I'm physically able to do. But, everything seems to be on hold, for now. I'm waiting on the roll of the bones.
It's annoying to me to have to hear other people's cell phone conversations. You're a physical presence, but someone from somewhere else takes center stage - via a little plastic device - and everyone present is expected to sit quietly and patiently while the chat happens. Riding in a car with my 66 year old, religious sister, recently, I heard her have a phone conversation about Lady Gaga. Most disconcerting. What a strange culture we live in. Everyone knows a little about everything.
Chaz Bono is everywhere these days. He had to borrow money from friends to have his sex change - a child of Cher's! I'm happy he's happy, but I feel a bit inundated by the media blitz. They always say the same thing: "If I can help just one person by telling my story..."
I watched "Get on the Bus" again, today. I think it's one of Spike's best. Who doesn't love Ossie Davis?
I have to go to my doctor's office, tomorrow, and have some blood-work done. It's this whole Warfarin thing. God, I hate drugs.
I know I said I feel like I need to find something to do with myself (see opening paragraph), but at the same time, I wonder how I ever accomplished all the things I used to when I was working. Maybe it's because I now have only a tenth of the energy I once had. If I vacuum my bedroom and my living-room, I have to lie down and rest.
I just finished reading a small novel (I would say novella, but it plainly says, "A NOVEL" below the title. I once knew a large lesbian named Novella. But, I digress...) by Joyce Carol Oates. It was a story about an influential, liberal, somewhat playboy-ish, democratic senator from New England who drunkenly drives his car off the road into a body of water, killing the young girl with him (not his wife). "Thinly veiled" doesn't even begin to describe it. Very odd.
I'm going to bed now. I'm tired.

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