Friday, May 6, 2011

The Mighty Marvel Universe.

The Thor movie is out - oddly enough entitled, "Thor." Now, when I was a kid, you were either a D.C. guy or a Marvel guy. Make mine Marvel! I was a true believer. 'Nuff said! So, I was rather excited, in my limited range, to hear about the Marvel films about to be unleashed: Thor, Captain America and The Avengers.
After sneak peaks at these films, however, I'm somewhat let down. Why do they have to change the characters' appearances so drastically? I want the superheroes of my youth. I want the pretty, clean shaven Thor, with the spandex and long blond tresses (as untrue to the Norse myths as that may be). I want the original red, white and blue Cap costume. Is it that Hollywood can't find actors muscled enough to fill out these outfits? Is that why they use this molded, plastic looking gear? And why does it have to be so drab? I want the vibrant hues of the classic Marvel characters.
Ahh, nostalgia. Lou Reed said, "I don't like nostalgia - unless it's mine."

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