Friday, May 20, 2011

The last day. (Should I mow my yard or just let it go?)

I don't have a lot to say - but since the world is going to end tomorrow, I thought I should probably chime in with something.
Actually, I have a lot on my mind, but as far as saying it - I don't think so. Not now.
If not now(to quote Tommy Chong's dad in "Up in Smoke"), "When, boy, when?!" The end is not only nigh, it's tomorrow!
Will it happen as soon as the clock strikes 12? If it does happen like that, instantaneously, I'm assuming the kick-off will be 12 AM American time. (Oh, Jeez, we have all those time zones. Central?) We ARE the center of the universe, right?
Will it just go BOOM?! Or, will it happen gradually over the day?
Will there be Fire and brimstone? A nuclear happening? Or will it be rain and floods? I guess a plague or disease would take too long. Me? I'm for getting it over with. Let's not drag it out.
What will happen to all of those people who have given their things away? You know, if the world doesn't end? I almost hope it doesn't happen, just to hear their excuses. Do you think they'll ask for their things back?
Maybe God will change his mind. Can he do that? Or is everything locked in? And if it IS locked in, what chance have we ever had, anyway? I think we did pretty well, considering the possibility that the game was fixed all along.
I'm just pissed off that I never got a flying car. They promised us flying cars in the future and here we are at the end of time. No flying cars. Also, I wanted a monkey - but that's another story.

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