Friday, June 3, 2011

People used to love me. ( June 24th, 1992. 10:25 pm. Letter 4.)

Dearest Jimmi -
Hello sweetness! How are you doing? Me? I'm much better now that I've talked to you this evening. Like I've said so many times before - "you always know how to make me feel better and more secure, especially when I seem to be at my lowest point." Although sometimes I wonder if you're just sparing me the truth to keep from hurting me. Please don't do that to me - if you told me tomorrow that you didn't want me anymore - I would be terribly hurt but at least I wouldn't be holding on to a lie. Besides I only want you to be happy - with or without me. I'm going to shut up now - this letter is definitely headed downhill. Anyway - I'm sending this letter, along with a few more, with the box I had sent (and got back) to you a week or so ago. The only thing I'm not sending is the Doxycycline because I asked (a friend) at the post office and she said it was against the law and if I got caught I could face severe penalties - so I didn't take the chance. Hold on though - I'll bring them with me when I come (Thurs. the 2nd or Fri. The 3rd). I'm really sorry - I know you're anxious. I just hope that once you get them - they work. I'm sorry you're sick. Mine still hasn't cleared up completely. My next appointment isn't until July 16th. I don't understand how or why we even have this - infection. I swear I haven't had sex with ANYONE but you since I've known you! Except when you and I were both with G. and R. How about you? If I had been with someone I promise now would be when I would tell you. Please do the same.
Anyway - don't worry. I love you and I miss you. Please don't get over me yet. Take care of yourself.
Always yours-

PS Don't forget to call and check on US every once in a while - ok?
Write back soon!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have even a faint memory of an infection we may have shared....sorry.
