Friday, June 3, 2011

People used to love me. (Friday June 12, 1992. Letter 2.)

Dearest Jim,
I found some more paper - obviously. I had to. I couldn't just send that other letter - especially since you came through and called me! Although you were late - I couldn't have enjoyed talking to you anymore had you been on time. Before your call - I was feeling a little down. I guess I was worried that whatever else you were doing was more important than calling and talking to me. Please excuse me. I was only being selfish. I tend to forget that you have another life. One that doesn't include me. Again - I'm sorry for the way I sounded before. I act so stupid sometimes.
Anyway - I'm really glad you did call - you lifted my spirits 30 stories!! Of course you usually know exactly how to make me feel better. You're too good to me. Thanks.
I love you!
Missing and loving you more every day -

PS You owe me a letter (or two!)
Sorry so short but I only had one point to make.

1 comment:

  1. You still have the ability to make me feel so much better when we talk. Thanks for not holding me solely responsible for not making all the right decisions. I love the thought of a fresh start between us. You?
