Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Umm... a note by my ex-wife. (80s)

(This must have been just before we separated. It was a crazy, mixed-up time for both of us. This note makes me sad.
"Mim" was a nick-name that only my ex used. She also had one, that only I used. "EEVEN" is kind of a joke from the steakhouse, where we both worked.)

This is great! I'm home alone doing whatever I want to do. Nothing to do but what I wanted to do. No one to worry about. I could get used to this. In a warm house, cooking something good for my husband when he gets home from work. I think I want to be a regular ordinary housewife. I know that's not possible, but tonight has been so good, having some time to myself and cleaning a little. I think this is what I needed, just to be by myself. I do miss my Mim, but I know he'll be home soon.

Ok, I've had enough time alone. Jimmi please come home. I won't fuss about anything. We can get along I know it. Life is so strange. We want to separate, but we (or at least I) want and need each other. I miss him. It's 11:30, now please come home, please.
I want to be young and care free. I want friends. Friends to go places with and have a good time. There's no way any boy would like me, but that's not EEVEN what I want. I want to just have a good time. I want to travel alone. I also want to maybe just hitch to somewhere, where no one knows me, so I can start my life over. If I would not miss Jimmi and if he wouldn't worry about me, I would just leave. Sometimes I would just like to leave and not say anything to anyone.
Come home Jimmi!!!

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