Saturday, June 25, 2011

Stuff. (Early am edition.)

I'm awake. I have been for some time. I haven't been able to sleep lately.
I saw a lawyer, yesterday, and had another delightful visit to the Social Security office. More paperwork, more filing, more waiting. And waiting. If only I could see a light at the end of the tunnel...
I received a text from the ghost, yesterday. The ghost and her ghost-ettes want to visit. Scary. I'm at one of the lowest points of my 50 year existence. I don't know if I would be able to pull off this potential spectral hosting, as it were.
Oh, the shame of it all!
I'm working on a crossword puzzle. What's the only U.S. state whose name has no letters in common with the name of its capital? Four letters (abbr.).
On the agenda:
I'm laying low this weekend.
I have a blood test Monday to check my Warfarin levels. It's called a "Pro-Time."
I have to go over my appeal paperwork with a fine tooth comb, make copies of it, medical bills and drug information and mail it off.
I need to come up with a solution to my current bills. Somehow.
Where's the dignity?! (I'm not aging well.)

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