Thursday, June 30, 2011

People used to love me. (Friday Sept. 13, 1991.)

I'm really sorry for all the trouble Jeff is causing us. I know how you must just want to give up at times. Thanks for hanging in there... a lesser person would have asked me to leave long ago. I'm sorry for depending so much on you for strength, especially when you need as much strength as you can muster for yourself. I'll try to be stronger... for all of us. As for matters concerning C., you're doing great... considering how trying he can be. I know as time goes on you will feel more comfortable having him (us) in your house. Again - thank you for all the things you have done to make us feel that you really want us to be a part of your life.
I love you always,

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew then, what I know now. I wish I had been stronger..and not have given in to all the things/people in our way. So young, so lost, so naive, so in love...with you.
