Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I'm tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. I had a crazy dream about being paired off for marriage with a Chinese girl. At first I was with one - she was very modern and Americanized, I was attracted to her - and then I was with her sister. The sister was very formal and reserved and spoke only Chinese. At first. Then I got her alone and found out that she was playing good daughter for her very traditional parents.
During the whole dream, my mom was cooking a big pot of stew beef, but everyone who walked through the kitchen threw something in the pot. The second Chinese girl tossed in some yellow flowers.
There was a large crowd - a kind of celebration. At one point, two of my exes entered the house. I remember that the huge pot of rice on the stove didn't have enough water.

It's so strange the way you hear all the news within minutes, now. I'm thinking of Clarence Clemmons' death (RIP Big Man) and the story about Leslie West having his leg amputated. Back in the day, music news was about a month late. You had to wait for the next issue of Rolling Stone or Creem to come out. But, I still miss those days. Go figure.

I had another talk with the ghost last night. I think I'm going to let sleeping ghosts lie. And, you know, hope this one dozes off.

No word on my disability benefits yet. I'm getting desperate. I have 71 cents - I just counted it. And the bills are still rolling in...

My life couldn't be stranger if it were fiction. I had an odd encounter today that I won't go into.

I had my Warfarin levels checked last Monday. They were a little off, so the doctor wants me to have them checked again next week. Also, my thyroid meds had to be doubled. Double the dosage, double the money.

Summer started yesterday, so HAPPY SUMMER! Yesterday was the longest day of the year. It's only June, but the days are already getting shorter. It doesn't seem right, somehow.

Thanks again to my friend Chuck, for helping me record a couple of my songs over the weekend. One is called "Mortal." It's the title track for the film project. It's raw and real - like the film, like me.

Does anyone remember that old cartoon where the Indians (they weren't Native Americans then) sing, "We want rain! Blaaaauugh!"? I feel like trying that. We are in the middle of an awful drought. The grass in my yard is brown and crunchy. With my luck, if I attempted a rain chant I'd probably get struck by lightning. Maybe I should do what they did at Woodstock: "No rain! No rain!" That endeavor resulted in the soaking of a half a million hippies. In my case, it would be a kind of reverse meteorological psychology. (Jeez, I just realized that Woodstock was over 40 years ago!)

I have a good feeling about the new Winnie the Pooh movie. Just from the commercials, it seems as if Disney is making all the right moves.

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