Thursday, June 2, 2011

People used to love me. (June 12, 1992. Letter 1.)

(A total of 4 leters came in the same envelope. This is number one.)

Dearest Jim,
It's now 8:20 pm - one hour and twenty minutes later than when you were GOING to call me. I know you probably didn't call because you were busy or some of your friends came over or maybe you just forgot? In any case - I guess my feelings are kinda hurt. (You know how I over-react about things.) I do look so forward to talking to you. Oh well...C'est la vie!?! I hope I'm home when you call next - I know that I won't just sit by the phone waiting for you to call anymore... It's too disappointing. (Yeah, if you believe that, I have some ocean front property for sale in the Sahara desert.)
So, did you get your new car today? I guess you're pretty excited, huh? I know I would be. I hope you're happy with it. Maybe now you could come and see me and see how life is here for me in Kentucky? Of course I'm teasing - I know you'll probably never come here. As for my car - hopefully it's ok. I'm supposed to go to Rob's tomorrow to see what it needs now. I hope it's in good enough condition to just get me to you - since getting back to you is my only priority. I just can't wait for you to hold me again. I miss you so much.
You are still waiting for me - aren't you? Although I couldn't blame you for being with someone else - I know my heart would literally break. You are the love of my life. Although I don't act it all the time (namely - when I was down last) I'm VERY happy being the love of your life. I am the love of your life - aren't I? You know, I could never settle for anything less!?!
Anyway - I'm now ending this stupid letter. I can't seem to think straight (whatever in the hell is straight??) anymore. But (never start a sentence with a preposition!) before I go, I have to explain about the troll in my box for you. Sure - there's other things (like) the bear (I wanted to let you know that I [we] truly consider you to be our family. That's the reason for it - although yes you could have figured that out by it's T-shirt). Of course, the pic's to remind you of us wrecking your house for 4 days. The picture of you and I is to remind you of how we are supposed to look at all times! (That's why I framed it.) But (uh-oh not again) the troll - you must take it out of the box and put it in the bed with you (my side or on top of you, of course). Then you must kiss it and tell it "I love you, C - goodnight" every night. Hopefully this green-eyed, PJ clad troll will somehow keep (with it's special magic - but you must believe!) you safe and in love with me until I can get back home to take care of you myself. Even though this seems childish and silly, my intentions were good - just the same.

PS Sorry about writing on the edges - I ran out of paper. Also - sorry the handwriting is so messy. I just can't seem to write anymore. Period. Anyway - sorry. I'll do better next time, hopefully!
Yours forever (for real!),

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