Monday, June 6, 2011

Incomplete story idea, Pt.2. (Late 70s?)

Marcen, King High, Ruler of Kyoliomontrom, knew he had to attempt to dissuade his brother from attacking the Knowlings, and if that failed, he would have to do battle against him, in the interest of the kingdom. He knew, also, in his heart, that the Knowlings possessed power beyond imagining, and if Dachirus antagonized them, they would assume he represented Kyoliomontrom and would rain destruction upon the Ky people. He set out, with an army, on this most important mission.
Marcen soon found his brother, in the canyon called Dradle Frey. Dachirus stood firmly, as his brother confronted him. He seemed to be obsessed with retrieving the Retlaw, planning to head East at daybreak with his band of outlaws. After heated words and one last unheeded warning from Marcen, Dachirus drew his sword. That is when the King High attacked the Lord Ky.
It seemed, at first, that Marcen's army would make short shrift of Dachirus' rag tag militia, but this would not be the case, for early in the fight, reserves, fighting for the Lord Ky, poured into the canyon. One of Marcen's men, Abtrad, lit out, riding like the wind, to call for back-up, while Marcen's men battled to keep the outlaws at bay.
For a while, it was as if a stale-mate, with neither side gaining control. Then, the tables turned. Dachirus' men grew frightened, as if some horrible force had descended upon them, and began to flee in large numbers. What was happening?! Unbeknownst to Dachirus, old Smitheroff, in his wisdom, had bequeathed unto Marcen a handful of pages - the only ones in existence in Kyoliomontrom - from the very Retlaw that he sought. Marcen was using the arcane knowledge, the supernatural properties - yea, magic - contained in those powerful, precious pages, to somehow gain the upper hand in this grievous battle with his tragically misguided brother...

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