Friday, July 8, 2011

The end: Is it nigh?

For The Bulbs of Glacier Lilies? Yeah, probably.
I've been at this for the past 16 months. I've published almost 850 posts in that time. It may be time to move on.
My friend Chuck once told me that it was only a matter of time before the online community found my blog - but other than him, only 2 or 3 people have ever commented on anything. But that's not why I did this, anyway. In the last few years I have gone through a break-up, unexpectedly lost my job, wrecked my car and had numerous health issues. I'm still dealing with the consequences of these various calamities. This blog has served as a means of catharsis, an artistic outlet, as well as allowing me to document a partial history of my life - such as it is (or was). It has been therapeutic.
There are a million things about me that I haven't covered here, but I think The Bulbs of Glacier Lilies has presented a pretty good overview of my life. It informs the reader (whomever he or she may be) of my personal experience:
This is who I am.
This is where I came from.
This is how I believe.
This is what I think.
These are some things I made.
These are some of the people who shaped me, in some way.
It confirms that:
I was alive once.
And maybe I mattered to some people.
It's the closest thing to immortality that I'm capable of. So, it has not been a small accomplishment at all. At least in my mind.
Will I carry on elsewhere? Sure! I'm rather excited about creating a new platform from which to issue ALL NEW material. But, for now, I'm going to try to wrap things up with a few more postings. I probably won't hit 900, though...

1 comment:

  1. I just found you....please don't stop now!!!
