Saturday, November 20, 2010

Obsessions. The Water Method Man.

This is the first John Irving book I ever read - and, probably my introduction to the "modern" novel. Up until then, I had been reading mostly classics. I wish I still had my original copy. The cover had a rendering of "Bogus" Trumper, with a Viking style helmet on and photo lenses for glasses. Much cooler. Makes perfect sense, if you read the book. I loaned that copy to a friend, back in the 80s. She, in turn, loaned me Saul Bellow's "Herzog." We never traded back, but, at least, I was introduced to Bellow.
The back cover of that original copy had a blurb which said something like, "His complaint was much worse than Portnoy's. Portnoy didn't have to drink all that water..." And that's how I became aware of Phillip Roth.
Anyway... I love the characters in this book. I've kept re-reading it over the years (it's about time to read it again). And, even though I've read all of Irving's novels, this one is still my favorite.
I once loaned a copy of "The Water Method Man" to my best friend Chuck. He was in an auto accident, in which he flipped his car in a ditch. Luckily, he survived. The book, which was in his car, was soaked with ditch water. He gave it back to me, with the pages all swollen. I still have it. (And him.)
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