Thursday, November 25, 2010

Long misty day. (Add an "s" and it's a great Robin Trower song and album title.)

I ate entirely too much today. Then I lounged around and watched movies ("Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and "Labyrinth"). Eventually, I decided I needed to get out of the house.
I went down town and walked around a bit. It was cloudy, gray and rainy and the streets were nearly empty. All of the shops were closed. There was ample parking - an unheard of thing for the down town area. Actually, it was kinda nice. Cool, but not cold. I wish I had brought my camera. I always forget my camera.
I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. Why do I have to be made to feel this way? Why does my boss continue to let me be treated badly? I feel like a guy in one of those movies where he wakes up one day and his life has been turned upside down, but no one else seems to notice. People around him begin to think he's nutty and, as time goes by, he too begins to doubt his own sanity.
Everyone says to hang in there, but god, I'm getting weary.

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