Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Slow Slide. (New song.)

I'm outside of society
I don't have much of a role
I'm not doing what I should be doing
I just do what I'm told.

Talk about lonely
Man, you don't have a clue
To know what it feels like when you look in the other direction
When I look at you.

(Can't you give a nod to a brother on his way down?)

I haven't talked to anybody all day
Just doin' the slow slide...

Love, what's love?
Are you tryin' to make a joke?
Love is just not in the cards for me
That's all gone up in smoke.

I feel like a pariah
It didn't use to be this way
I was the life of the party
Now, nobody cares what I have to say.

(Is it too much to just acknowledge a brother on his way down?)

I haven't talked to anybody all day
Just doin' the slow slide...

Misery loves company
I've heard that one before
But, I sure don't have no company
Banging on my door.

I don't think I'm a bad guy
In fact, I think I'm as good as you
But, being pushed to the margins
Has left me permanently blue.

(Just a little affirmation that this brother exists...that's all I'm asking for...)

I haven't talked to anybody all week
Just doin' the slow slide...

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