Monday, November 1, 2010

Omens and fried green tomatoes.

I'm tired, bewildered, disillusioned. I'm worried about me - and someone else. I'm in a period of self doubt. My world has been turned up-side-down, all of the pieces have fallen out, and I'm trying to solve the consequential puzzle. I'm grasping at straws. Trying to make a silk purse - or a gunny sack, for that matter - out of a sow's ear.
Decisions, decisions. I have much to consider.
I'm taking things One Day at a Time, Sweet Jeebus. The signs are against me. They warn me. Generally I'm too stubborn to heed them, but I'm thinking maybe this time I should.
It's difficult to surrender the will. Often, it's all that keeps me from flying apart.
Serenity now!! ("Are you supposed to yell it?" "The man on the tape wasn't specific.")
Tomorrow is another chance for progression - or the erosion may set in. Rust never sleeps with angels.
Isn't it fun? Aren't life's little surprises a hoot?
(I picked green tomatoes today. I heard things I didn't want to hear.)

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