Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank you, Jeebus! I have Internet connection!

I have been without Internet connection or cable since 9:00 yesterday morning. I felt like a junkie trying to get online. In a brief moment of connectivity, I managed to squeeze out the last post. Then the TV, which had been barely discernible and very fuzzy, went out altogether and I had no Internet again.
I saw a truck in my neighbor's yard and began to have hope. I didn't think anyone was going to come out on Thanksgiving day to work on the cable. Then I realized that this is probably one of the biggest TV days of the year. I'm sure there were a lot of irate sports fans calling in.
One reason I was upset about not being able to go online is that I had a horrible day at work yesterday and I needed to be able to vent. That guy on my crew who has been causing so much dissension went ballistic. I could feel my heart pounding and I thought to myself, this is stupid, I'm outta here. I don't know what's going to happen when I go back Friday.
At least I can blog and surf the web, now. Phew!

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