Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The last Rolling Stones tour...

In one of my rambling dreams last night - the type I've been having since I started my newest meds - I was at a Rolling Stones concert. What made this extra weird was that Paul Simon - who seemed like a composite of Paul, John Denver and Cat Stevens - was opening. And, it was being held in what seemed like a high school cafeteria. Also, I had a strong impression that this was the last Stones tour ever.
Due to the small space, we (my friend Chuck was with me) were very close to the stage and seated in the type of chairs you would find in a cafeteria.
At one point, during Paul's set, some kids (there were lots of kids there, for some reason) walked in front of the stage on their way to the concession stand, or the rest rooms. This angered Paul and he began making up a song about rude kids.
I had brought a guitar with me (?) and at one point, during the opening set, Mick Jagger, who was just milling about, said he would sign it for me. A girl sitting next to me, shoved a tin lid, of some kind, under my nose. I pushed her hand away. The lid contained some sort of granular drug that I was supposed to snort. "No thanks" I said.
Boy, that Paul/John/Cat guy was a jerk!

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