Friday, November 5, 2010

Good day.

It's been a long, but good, day. I don't know what happened, but things were different with the guys on my crew. I gave a little and they gave a little. Even though the day ended with me having to call a wrecker to pull our Massey Ferguson tractor out of the lake, we got a lot accomplished. I can't express how much this changes my attitude for the better. Maybe there's hope.
I know I bitch and moan a lot on here, but, as always, when there's something positive to report, I want to make sure I do.
As Letterman used to say: "I'm tired - but it's a good kind of tired."


  1. That's great Jimmi. I, on the other hand, have had a less than stellar day. Sometimes I feel more charmed than others.

  2. I love it when you comment. I'm sorry you didn't have a great day, though.
