Sunday, November 7, 2010


The shiny, whirling disks flew by
I ducked and weaved and watched them go
I sensed a wave of calm just then
And settled into clarity.

The rain came down, like holy water
Far holier than I deserved
Exhilarating, in the moment
The possibilities seemed endless.

But shards of glass, ten stories high
Shot up through the christened soil
In High Drama, the sky tore open
and the disks returned, on fire.

Then all the children began a march
Across this tortured land of woe
Thousands, millions, billions of them
Steadily advancing in eerie silence.

I cried out to the heavens above
Send the rain, the holy rain!
But darkness descended upon us all
And the jackals lifted their heads.

I know the rain will come again
The lucid state will have its turn
I only hope I live to see it
And transcend the awful in-be-tween.

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