Monday, November 29, 2010

I don't know much of anything.

If the rain fell on me, I wouldn't mind.
If the fog rolled in and swallowed me, I'd disappear into nothingness.
Here today, gone tomorrow.
I can sit by my window, at night, with a candle on the sill.
I can gaze at the stars until I'm lost.
Mesmerized. Mind-boggled.
In awe.

I can walk through the woods alone.
I can sit quietly and let it all happen.
I can sense the magic. The sadness. The wisps of eternity.
If it ends tonight, it ends tonight.
So be it.

Fire is cleansing. Smoke is sacred.
I want to go out on a pyre, like Hindus do, although I'm a nonbeliever.
Order is a human imposition.
Time is an affliction.
Paint me in ash and release me.

I've been sad my whole life.
I've been restrained - inwardly and outwardly.
I was beaten down and strapped to a plow.
When my turn comes to fly, let me go.

My father wanted peaches the night he died.
My sister brought some over.
I never knew that, until today.
I guess I don't know much of anything.
In fact, I'm sure of it.

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