Saturday, November 27, 2010

Just a dream...

I'm walking through a grimy back alley-way, somewhere, and I spot a row of dumpsters. In front of one dumpster is a dead lion. In front of the next, a dead tiger. The next, a dead leopard. In front of the last one, there lies a decapitated man. His head is next to his body. All of the bodies seem to have been there for, at least, a couple of days. I'm wondering to myself, "Why isn't this on the news? Why isn't someone investigating this?"
Now I'm in a sort of seaside pub/restaurant. It's rather small and crowded. People are eating and drinking. I'm sitting on a kind of L-shaped couch that's built into the wall. There are groups of tables and chairs throughout the rest of the area. The couch is full. My mom is there. We occupy the 2 corner spots. I hear a man begin to sing. He's seated on the long couch, also. There are 3 or 4 people between me and him. I recognize his voice immediately. He's singing "Easy Street." It's Edgar Winter.
Edgar Winter, in my mind, is Rock Royalty. I actually have his autograph. He's one of my vocal heroes, but I'm worried that no one else will know who he is. I nudge my mom and say, "That's Edgar Winter. He's one of my all time favorite singers." At this point, I notice my friend Rick, sitting at one of the tables. He's looking at Edgar, smiling and nodding his head in time to the song. I think to myself that he only knows this song because David Lee Roth covered it on his "Crazy from the Heat" album.
Although slightly drunk (I think he's actually a non drinking vegetarian), Edgar sounds terrific - but he stops in the middle of the song and begins to talk. Now, Edgar is a Texan, but in my dream, he has an English accent. He proceeds to ramble on about some perceived wrong-doing by someone in the music biz. He produces a comic book and passes it around as some sort of evidence. He's very bitter.
Edgar Winter, in real life, is a Scientologist. Say what you will about those folks, but they all seem to be very positive people and are usually rather successful. Go to his website and check him out. He seems like a great guy.
A small, animated, girl steps out of the crowd. It's Lisa Simpson. Lisa begins to pace back and forth in front of Edgar and questions him, like an attorney. She's trying to make a point. She's trying to get him to see that things aren't so bad and he should just let his grievances go.
Maybe that's the point of this dream.
Oh, who am I kidding? This shit is bananas.
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