Thursday, June 30, 2011

People used to love me. (April 2, 1992.)

Dearest Jimmi -
I'm WRITING you now - simply because verbal communication lines are temporarily down. Why? I'm not really sure, but hopefully this letter will help you to understand how much and how deeply I really do care for you and our relationship together.
Jimmi - I love you so very much and it truly frustrates me whenever you question that love. I know I'm horrible at times and I know you just want to give up because you feel that we're not getting stronger, but weaker and further apart. But - please Jim - don't give up just yet. I know I don't show how much I LOVE and NEED and WANT YOU all the time (mainly out of stubbornness) but those feelings are ALWAYS there and although it sounds theatrical and melodramatic - I know I would die without you. You are my world. The love of my life. I want to be beside you forever. (However long that may be!) I'm really sorry things have been so tense between us... I'm not sure what's been wrong with me. I promise to try and be better to you and treat you like you deserve to be treated. Do you think you can hold on just a little while longer? I know we are going to come out of this a much better couple! Although I couldn't imagine loving you more than I do now - I know once our differences are behind us - I'll love you much much more!!
Hang in there!?!
I love you.

PS Thanks for not giving up already.
PPS Thanks for last night!

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't long after this I found out I was pregnant with B. I wish I hadn't been so afraid. Forgive me?
