Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dec. 29, 2002 (A dream).

Boy, I had a dream last night! I wish I had written it down immediately, because the details have drifted away from me.
Here's what I recall:

I was working on a piece of equipment at the maintenance building (where I work, in reality), with my boss looking over my shoulder. I was about to get a Phillips screwdriver when he says, "You're going to need a Phillips for that." It pissed me off and I said something like "Really?"
The next thing I know (and bear in mind that there was an abundance of dialog in the dream - most of which I've forgotten) my boss and I are looking at the backside of a tee box (I work on a golf course). The turf is scarred up. He asks me what do I think caused that. I tell him it looks like the gang mower scalped it.
We both get down to closer inspect the turf damage and I see a hole. I poke a little and realize there is an enormous cavern under the tee box and we're standing on very thin ground. I say, "Look at this!"
All of a sudden, I'm at a concert. Styx and REO Speedwagon. And I'm with my mother. For some reason, I'm wearing nothing but a tiny pair of bikini underwear - or a swim suit. No one seems to notice. We leave the concert and drive home. Upon arrival I see my nephew way up in the top of a tall tree in the yard. There are fields around the house, like it was when I was younger. Before we can get out of the car, I notice a full grown male lion wandering around. Then I see a large tiger walking around. Then, a smaller cat - maybe a mountain lion or something - comes right up to the car and tries to get at us through the window. I roll it up as fast as I can.
The scene changes and I'm at my friend Fraggle's house - or it seems like a trailer. There are a lot of people there. This one guy I don't recognize says "You don't remember me, do you?" Then he proceeds to tell me some story of how years ago we were riding in a car together and I had a bag of weed. Then he says a lot of stuff I can't remember. I seem to vaguely recall him after he tells his story.
So, Fraggle is siting at this big table with a bunch of people and there's this big sack of weed just lying there. The door opens and my ex-wife's parents come in. Apparently, they know Fraggle through his kid, somehow. Then my ex-wife is there for a moment. I tell her I wasn't trying to be rude, but I just didn't recognize her dad at the wrestling match the other night (this happened in real life). Meanwhile, Fraggle makes no effort to hide the weed.

This dream was jammed with conversation and was very detailed. But, as soon as I woke up...

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