Sunday, May 30, 2010

WTF?! WTF, indeed?!

I haven't felt well in over a month. My heart has been doing something weird. Now, I have this springtime cold that I can't shake. I have a fever today and feel like shit.
My attempt at connecting with someone on a deeper level has come to a screeching halt. Why? Fuck if I know. It's insane for someone to tell you they love you one night and then wake up the next morning and tell you they no longer feel that way. No reason. Then they tell you they want to work on it, whatever IT is ("If you want to work on us, I really do too!!!!!") and won't call, email or answer their phone for a week.
I'm disgusted with the human race. Nobody knows what they want and they don't mind dragging your heart into the maelstrom.
I hate sounding negative, but this is my blog and this is how I honestly feel right now.
Why is there someone for everyone except me? Am I that horrible? Boring? Poor? Stupid? Ugly? Do I have no redeeming qualities?

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