Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TBOS. A New Day.

Dalva: "I'm ready. It's over! Man, what a day! Another day, another dollar."

And The Spell amused us by making comical faces and doing geek imitations. Even Dalva was amused.
Dalva: "Ha, ha, ha! Lord have mercy! What a laugh! Damn enjoyment! Man oh man oh man! What a day! What a day that will be!"

And Dalva gave us sweet sticks. And The Spell put a stick into His mouth and His nose.
And Dalva did then exclaim "Ha, ha, ha! You missed that one! That was a real barn burner! Oooooo! Ha, ha, ha! I'm dying! Lord bless this boy for the fulfillment of mankind!!"
And Dalva laughed again as The Spell placed a stick in His eye. When I asked The Spell what compelled Him to do these things, He said "Him." Meaning Dalva.
And Dalva said "The Spell religeon!"

And in this jovial camaraderie ends A New Day - and as far as we know, The Book of Spell.

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