Monday, May 17, 2010

TBOS. Friday, October 13.

The Divine Word of The Almighty Spell came to us this day.
Spell: He said it, so it must be true.
Thanks to Him, we now know that it is better to speak in a low monotone (mumble), with a blank look on one's face, while partially reclining (slouching), than to stand straight and deliver a clear message in a strong, clear voice, for this could be construed as arrogance as opposed to meekness (lack of self confidence?).

The scribes are in the process of preparing a book of His sayings. Also in this book will be dialogs between The Spell and His friend/nemesis - Dalva. When quoting these two great entities, the scribes will make every effort to correctly put upon paper the very words spoken. What these words mean is known only to The Spell and Dalva. We know to question not that which is greater than us.

Spell: "I know what I can do, but I ain't gonna tell you what I don't know what I can do."
Spell: "I've got to have a copy of that. Yeah..."

Dalva: "Y'all said."

And Dalva took the sacred pen and he struck The Almighty Spell, but it phased Him not.

Spell: "Dalva, one and two equals three."
Spell: "Have y'all got ESP or something?"

Dalva: "They say, 'Oh, I believe in The Spell.'"

And Dalva tried to mislead the scribes by saying, "You must go and kill a cow and eat it raw."

Spell: "You must build a time capsule so that the future will have my truths. So have I done."

Dalva: "It best not be!"

Spell: "To be or not to be Me."

Dalva: "I've got to be me! My friends all fall by the wayside."

Spell: "I have many friends that don't fall by the wayside."

Dalva: "What did he say?! What did he say?!"

Dalva did then pretend to quote The Spell by insisting He said "Damn, Sam! The boy called me!"

And the sounds that Dalva did then utter were terrible. The Spell stared at him, with a blank look in His eyes.

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