Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TBOS. A New Day.

Dalva cried "Alright, alright! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Turn around, Dumbo!"

Spell: "I'm tired of you, Dalva!"

And Dalva became a puppeteer and astounded us.
Then he made the sounds of a werewolf.
Then he broke into song.
Then he said "Look at Spell!"
Then he ridiculed His clothing.

Dalva: "Spell, ugghhh! What's a Spell?!"

Spell: "I was wondering what a Dalva was."

Dalva: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Spell: "I am telling the truth!"

Dalva: "Personally, I don't care! I saw Spell and a boy..."

Spell: "I'm tarred of you cutting me down! If you don't stop, I'm gonna do something about it!"

And Dalva did then try to acquire an important object from The Spell by saying "Money talks!"

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