Sunday, May 9, 2010

I wish...

I wish I was 28, but knew everything I now know. I wish chocolate was really good for you. I wish I could see California, New York City and Europe. I wish I had gone to college. I wish my dog would stop peeing and shitting on the floor. I wish my house wasn't falling down. I wish I had powerful water pressure - especially in the shower. I wish I could lose some more weight. I wish my mailbox would no longer be filled with junk mail. I wish I could have a real cup of coffee. I wish I had a Dodge Dakota pick up truck. I wish I had a good mattress set, with some 1000 thread count sheets. I wish I could meet Lou Reed and Patti Smith. I wish I had the time and money to paint and record music. I wish I worked in an intellectual and artistic environment. I wish Timbuk 3 would get back together. I wish the government would enact some kind of health care reform that would actually benefit poor people. I wish I could perform live again. I wish...

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