Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Keep your hands inside the car.

Today, I turned in my phone and keys from the job I just lost. I didn't see my ex boss (which is good...), but I did get an awkward hug from my old friend Rick. He said something like "I'm sorry. What happened to you bugs me." I thanked him and asked him to give those things to my ex boss. He said "Sure. You wanna hang around awhile?" I told him no, that I had to go.
I really had to go.
On the way home, I saw a sign that read "Llama Manure For Sale". I'm pretty sure llamas aren't indigenous to SE North Carolina. And, who would pay for their poop?
Can you eat llamas? I mean, I'm sure you can, but does anyone actually do it?
Mmmmm, llama...
I'm really thankful for my family and friends. Especially now, with all that's happened to me. This past year has really been a roller coaster ride. And not a Roller Coaster of Love, either. It's been more like a roller coaster ride through llama manure.

1 comment:

  1. I've wondered about that sign myself. I think it's Hickmans that live back in there. I used to work with Mrs. Hickman at Rose's in Southport. She was in charge of the garden center. I imagine she's no longer with us.
