Thursday, February 18, 2010

Childhood dreams.

My dad used to work at a fertilizer plant. I was practically raised there. The plant showed up in a couple of memorable dreams I had when I was very young. Maybe 4 years or so.
In the first one, me and my youngest sister M. are sitting on a log in a really nice clearing in the woods. Since I'm about 4 years old, she's about 18. All of a sudden, a T.Rex comes out of the woods into the clearing. He proceeds to gobble us up, but he doesn't chew us. We're just inside his mouth - kinda like Jonah and the whale. We can't see, because he has his mouth shut, but we can tell that he's taking us somewhere.
When the T.Rex stops walking and opens his jaws, we're at the far end of the fertilizer plant, actually standing in his enormous mouth. He is standing on the railroad tracks that run parallel to the loading platform. On the end of the platform, waiting for us, are Blondie and Dagwood...

In the other dream, I am in the back of my dad's '55 or '56 Chevy pick-up. It has the wooden slatted sides on the bed. They enclose the bed on 3 sides. The tailgate piece is off. My dad built these sides to carry hogs or cows to the slaughter house, or whatever.
The truck is parked in the gravelly yard that separates the guardhouse from the actual plant. My mom and dad are standing by the truck when this older couple pull up in this really nice car. I can tell they are rich.
The older couple are really nice. They tell me that they are my real parents and they have come for me. I start crying, because I want to stay with my mom and dad.

I did used to think I was adopted, until I realized that I looked just like my grandfather on my dad's side. It's just that I never really fit in with my family.

Those dreams are as vivid to me today as they were when I dreamt them 45(!) years ago.

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