Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Oh Yoko!"

I had this idea for a sitcom (or, at least, a recurring skit on Saturday Night Live). It's called "Oh Yoko!" And it uses the Lennon song as its theme song.
The deal is, you have 4 actors playing the Beatles and, of course, you have someone play Yoko Ono. Every week Yoko does something to break up the Beatles. So, when this happens, at the end of each episode, someone says "Oh Yoko!" Then Yoko throws up her hands in an "oh, well" or "uh oh" kind of gesture.
Cue theme song.
By the way, no lovable mop tops will be harmed in the making of this series.

(Just for the record, I love Yoko. And it's silly to think she broke up the Beatles.)

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