Monday, February 15, 2010

Neon Ass

Emitting phrases, so unexpected. Unannounced. (Un-called-for?)
Popping in to say "Hi." That's cool...
I want to weave a spider's web, with a golden voice.
I want to ponder the infinite - at a decent wage.
I want to create, although nothing is created.
GIMME ART! (Or, give me a flesh wound...)
I have to dance. That's basic.
Oh, to sprinkle Pixie dust on you - and touch myself.
Sometimes, they step in. Sometimes, they take over.
Promise me something, or defeat the purpose.
Aliens have landed and colored my vision. Muddied my perception.

He's a hedonist - he admits it. But, he's not happy.
"Make me happy!" I cried, spiraling down.
Can you envision it? Hear my plaintive wail?

With down-cast eyes, I ride through the gates of the city, on a neon ass.
Fill my glass.
All things must pass.
Gone at last.

Clumsy aliens, sputtering over the horizon.
I'm abandoned on clouds of angel hair - adrift in the sea of possibilities.
My third eye fluttered and I ordered a cocktail.
Scotch and Coke.

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