Friday, February 5, 2010

On the subject of God

On the subject of God. Whatever the life force is - whatever energy that caused this existence - well, you might as well call it God. Anything that mind-boggling deserves to be set apart.
I'm OK with that part of it. I think it's probably in man's best interest to have this fascination. The wonder. To experience awe.
Dogma is another story.
Man's attempts to describe and explain God are idiotic. And those who would have us believe that they know the will of God - who contend that they look into the "mind" of God - should be laughed off the planet - if it weren't for the fact that some of them are so dangerous.
I recently saw some graffiti, spray painted on a rusty old door, on the back of an abandoned building, that said "AMBIENT TITS R GOD!" So, there...

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